Wednesday 21 March 2012

Maybe Both

       In Pedro Virguez's blog, his entry Yes...No responds to an entry Juliana Castro made. As I read what he wrote, I came across some points I wish to discuss. First of all, Pedro feels the story is not a cliché whereas Juliana strongly disagrees. In my opinion, they are both right. Pedro is right when he states that during that time period, feeling or acting the way Mrs. Pontellier does was not normal, ergo could not have been cliché. But if we see the novel in a modern perspective, too many books or stories have been told concerning such topic. So I guess it all comes down to Juliana's title of her entry, Understanding A Different Time: Both arguments are valid depending the time you are talking about. 
Further on in the blog, Pedro mentions how he is in disagreement with Juliana when she says Mrs. Pontellier has no “apparent reason for her sucky marriage”. What I understood in Juliana's blog was that given the example she gave, of Mrs. Pontellier crying as she leaves her bed, she feels that there was no apparent reason for Mrs. Pontellier to do this. In other words, Juliana only said this talking about one specific example, not in general as Pedro thought. Besides this, I would have liked to read more about Pedro's opinion concerning the character analysis presented by Juliana. 

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